We’ve been bulking in preparation for another World’s Strongest Man.
Saturday 7/20, 2PM-3PM EST
Saturday 7/27, 1PM-2PM EST
Saturday 8/3, 3PM-4PM EST
Wednesday 7/24: 8PM – 9PM EST
Wednesday 7/31: 10PM – 11PM EST
Wednesday 8/7: 7PM – 8PM EST
The Battle
We’re bringing back the event that started it all: The KNAACK Giant's Medley. This grueling event is designed to push athletes to their limits. Going head-to-head the Strongmen will first carry TWO KNAACK DataVaults, fashioned into a Super Yoke by our own John Berg, then they will pick up our infamous JOBMASTER™ CHESTS for a FRAME CARRY. The fastest overall finisher wins the event.
Weights: Yoke Walk 450kg and Frame Carry 350kg.
What else is 922 lbs?

A Grand Piano

20 SUV Tires

26 Cinder Blocks
The Glory

Determination. Persistence. Respect. Strength of Mind and Body. These are just a few of the attributes Strongmen strive for. Voted on by their fellow competitors, KNAACK’s Tools of a Strongman Award is given to the athlete who best embodies the spirit of the sport.
Congratulations to this year’s winner, Rob Kearney, on taking home the Bronze Atlas!
2023 winners: Brian Shaw & Mark Felix.
KNAACK Heavyweights